24 September 2004


The Honorable Neil Abercrombie
House of Representatives
1502 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Mr. Abercrombie:

The FRA has learned that you may be supporting section 1065 (Subtitle G), and the accompanying report language in the House version of the FY 2005 National Defense Authorization Act. FRA knows of your dedication and hard work to bring quality of life improvements for the many service members and families residing in the great state of Hawaii. So it is difficult for the Association to believe you would endorse further delay in bringing a sorely needed program of improving the transport of household goods, particularly for the young families of our junior soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen, and coast guardsmen.

FRA and The Military Coalition (TMC), consisting of 35 influential military and veterans organizations representing 5.5 million members and their families, have forwarded earlier correspondence to you and your colleagues on the House and Senate Armed Services Committees urging your vote against section 1065 (Subtitle G) of the House version. Many FRA members are military retirees who often suffered the unpleasantness of moving their families from post to post, base to base. They don’t want today’s uniformed service members and families to have to continue experiencing the same deficiency of service and breakage without adequate recompense as they did in the past. It’s definitely time for change. You can help.

FRA is in hope it is only a rumor that you are supportive of Section 1065 and that you prefer its rescission. Such a move on your part will certainly increase the endearment the troops already have for you at this time. Please continue the march.

With appreciation, I am

National Executive Secretary


cc: Pearl Harbor-Honolulu Branch 46