Dear Sgt Shaft

I am a Cherokee Veteran of Iraq and current graduate student (Counseling Psychology Program), who is carrying out a survey on Native American veterans, and their perceptions of and attitudes towards Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This survey has met exemption criteria from Washington State University’s Institutional Review Board. It is my belief that if we as Native people speak as a group through this survey, places that provide veteran services for PTSD like the V.A. and I.H.S. will listen and will add our suggestions and preferences for treatment/healing to programs intended to help Native Veterans. I am asking for your assistance in spreading the word about our survey among the veterans in your tribe, friends from the service or any other interested groups or individuals.

The survey is open to anyone who is Native American and who has served in the military. They do not need to have been deployed or to have PTSD to participate in the survey. The survey is open to both descendants and enrolled tribal members. Below is a letter with more information about the survey and a link to the online version of the survey ( Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Greg Urquhart
Native American Retention Counselor, Washington State University
Doctoral Student, Counseling Psychology, Washington State University
President, Society of Indian Psychologists, Washington State University Chapter
Student Representative, Society of Indian Psychologists
Veterans Career Coach, C.A.C.D., Washington State University
Student Representative, Psychologists in Indian Country (Division 18 of APA)
Student Representative, Human Animal Interaction (Division 17 of APA)

PO Box 641046
Pullman, WA  99164-1046

Fax:  509-335-0103
Phone:  509-335-8677

Dear Greg
Hope this helps.

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