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Committees of the Fleet Reserve Assocation
FRA has numerous Committees that oversee FRA Programs. Members are encouraged to get involved in committees at the Branch, Regional and National level. Contact the Chairman to be included on future meeting invitations. FRA members must be logged into their member profile in order to access the contact information. All other inquiries should be directed to your Branch or Regional President.
The full list of committee chairman and committee members can be found on the
FRA Official Communication page. Document Titled: NPSL 1-24
National Committee on Legislative Service
The primary duty of this committee is to diligently study legislation pending in the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States, which may affect the personnel of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard (active, reserve, and retired) and their dependents. The committee shall implement and pursue the legislative program approved by the National Board of Directors and the National Convention. The
Legislative Agenda and
Action Center are guided by this committee Contact DLP John R. Davis.
National Committee on Americanism-Patriotism
Its duties shall be to encourage the regions and branches to honor the flag of the United States of America; to observe the anniversary of distinguished persons and events in our history; to work in and encourage the participation of others in civic programs; and to foster the principles of our founding fathers as expressed in the Constitution of the United States of America. The National Committee on Americanism-Patriotism shall conduct an Americanism
Essay Contest. The Americanism-Patriotism Committee shall encourage the regions and branches to honor our departed shipmates in the manner so eloquently expressed in the Preamble to the Constitution of the Fleet Reserve Association and in the appropriate rituals provided for such solemn occasions. Guidance should be provided on how such activities should be conducted in conjunction with community observances whenever possible. The committee recognizes FRA Branches annually for their activates and programs in support of Americanism and Patriotism.
FRA Zoom Meeting schedule Registration is limited. Contact the chairman PRP Jerry Lickteig to register for the Meeting.
National Committee on Youth Activities
The Primary duty shall be to study the various methods by which the branches and the members may best serve the youth in their communities to the end that these young people may be properly guided in their endeavors to become better and more useful citizens and to solicit the full cooperation of all branches and members to assist in carrying out these duties. The committee recognizes FRA Branches annually for their activates and programs.
FRA Zoom Meeting schedule Registration is limited. Contact the chairman PRP Jack M Fogel
to register for the Meeting.
National Committee on Hospitals, Welfare and Rehabilitation
The primary duty is to foster and maintain good relations between the Fleet Reserve Association and the hospitals, to extend praise and commendation to those units that have rendered outstanding service, and to investigate allegations that shipmates and dependents are not receiving full benefits of existing laws and regulations. It shall solicit the cooperation of branch chairmen of this committee and instill in them the importance of this committee at the branch level. When the need for welfare assistance comes to the attention of the chairman, he/she shall immediately notify the respective regional president for referral to the Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation chairman for action in accordance with the applicable standing rule, Fleet Reserve Association Disaster Relief Fund. The committee recognizes FRA Branches annually for their activates and programs.
FRA Zoom Meeting schedule Registration is limited. Contact the chairman PRPSE James Richmond to register for the Meeting.
National Committee on Veterans Service
Duties of the committee shall be to oversee the FRA Veteran Service Officer(VSO) and VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement formerly the Veterans Affairs Voluntary Services (VAVS) programs, providing education and outreach of same to the membership of the Association, including the policies and regulations associated with these programs; to report on the number and activities of FRA accredited VSO representative and representatives in the VAVS program in each region; to solicit branches and Shipmates to become involved in departments of veterans affairs/services on the state, local or national level, including VA regional offices, medical facilities, state of national veteran cemeteries or veteran homes; and to annually recognize outstanding service by a Shipmate in service to veterans. Chairman, National Veteran Services Officer, Member Theo Lawson
FRA Zoom Meeting schedule Registration is limited. Contact the chairman PRPEC S. D. Martin to register for the Meeting.
National Committee on Membership and Retention
The primary duty of this committee, in conjunction with the Director of Membership Development is to devise ways and means of increasing FRA membership, improving membership retention and publicizing the aims and purposes of the Fleet Reserve Association among eligible potential members. The committee recognizes FRA Branches annually for their activates and programs in support of Membership Recruitment and Retention. Chairman for 2022-2023 National Vice President Maria Behm,
FRA Zoom Meeting schedule Registration is limited. Contact the chairman to register for the Meeting.
National Committee on Public Relations
Its primary duty is to promulgate to the membership methods of development and fostering good public relations for the Fleet Reserve Association and to assist branches in establishing well organized public relations programs consistent with the aims and principles of the preamble to the C&BL. The committee recognizes FRA Branches annually for their activates and programs. Robert "Bob" Behm
FRA Zoom Meeting schedule Registration is limited. Contact the chairman National Chaplain Robert T. Behm to register for the Meeting.
National Committee on Budget and Finance
The committee shall make an extensive survey of the financial needs and policies of the Fleet Reserve Association and shall report its findings and recommendations to the National Board of Directors. They shall be responsible for the collection and correlation of all budget requests and shall, from these requests, prepare the proposed annual budget of the Fleet Reserve Association. The proposed budget shall be promulgated to the National Board of Directors, and to any association member who requests a copy, to be received at least 30 days prior to the convening date of the next scheduled National Convention. The committee shall be responsible for the periodic fiscal review of the Life Membership Plan, as appropriate, and shall report their findings and recommendations to the National Convention. The committee shall establish an investment/ reinvestment program for Association funds, using the assistance of a professional financial consultant/broker. Such investments/ reinvestments shall be made with a view to obtaining the greatest return compatible with the safety of funds involved and must be approved by the National Board of Directors. The committee shall report the status of the investments/reinvestments of Association funds to the National Board of Directors and to the National Convention. The Committee shall oversee the operation of the Employee 401(k) Pension Plan as provided by law and regulations. The Committee shall annually report the annual contribution required from the Association and any recommendations concerning the plan when presenting the annual proposed Association budget. Chairman Jr. Past National President James E. Robbins, Jr.
FRA Zoom Meeting schedule Registration is limited. Contact the chairman to register for the Meeting.
National Committee on Constitution, Bylaws and Resolutions
The committee shall review the Constitution and Bylaws, Standing Rules, and Rituals annually and propose amendments or revisions when appropriate. This committee shall receive and acknowledge receipt of resolutions proposing amendments to the C&BL, Standing Rules, and Rituals from branches, national officers, the National Board of Directors, and standing committees of the Fleet Reserve Association. The Committee shall make an annual report to the National Convention with recommended action on all resolutions received in proper order.
FRA Zoom Meeting schedule Registration is limited. Contact the chairman PRPNC Marty J. Posekany to register for the Meeting.
National Committee on Future Planning
The Committee shall review all aspects of the Association, receive and review suggestions submitted and make recommendations to ensure the Associations growth and efficient operation into the future.
The Chairman shall make an annual report to the National Board of Directors and the National Convention. Recommendations requiring action by the National Convention
FRA Zoom Meeting schedule Registration is limited. Contact the chairman RVPSC Bruce R. Talbot, Jr. to register for the Meeting.
Special Centennial Committee
The primary duty of this temporary committee is to coordinate all aspect of the FRA’s Centennial celebration. Chairman Past National President, Donna Jansky. Contact the chairperson if you would like to contribute to the discussion.
FRA members must log into their Membership Profile in order to get the current contact information for the Committee Chairman and committee members. Please contact FRA Member Services to obtain your Login username and Password.