Let Your Voice Be Heard!

FRA gives voice to all current and former US Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard personnel. Founded to represent the interests of the enlisted.  Today FRA's legislative advocacy covers all sea service personnel and their families - and we need your support to help us be even more effective.

With reverence for God and country, and being ever mindful of the glorious traditions of the United States Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard; Our Duty to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; Our Responsibility to aid in maintaining adequate defense for our beloved country; Our Desire to assist in obtaining the best type of personnel for our Sea Services; Our Interest in the welfare of those who served and are now serving; Our Devotion to our shipmates in good fortune or distress; Our Reverence for the memory of our departed shipmates; we associate ourselves together and declare this to be the Preamble to the Constitution of the Fleet Reserve Association.

To join FRA, you must certify that you meet the eligibility requirements of being a current or prior member of the Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard, and that you can produce proof of service. Examples include Military ID Card, VA issued ID Card or Health Care, Veteran ID Card, Veteran Designation on a Driver's license or State Veteran ID Card or DD214. 


As a FRA member, you get answers to questions from friendly member-service staff with one phone call or e-mail. You also have access to the members-only areas of the website to read the latest association news, read our monthly publication FRAtoday, share your opinions in the community section, post reunions and subscribe to e-mail updates.

FRA members get up-to-date information on:
Health care
Education benefits and enhancements
Veterans' service benefits
Survivor benefits
opportunity to affiliate with a Branch (see Branch Locator
and much more!

Membership Applications  

Effective 1/1/2024 the following life membership rates will be in effect.  All life memberships payments must be processed prior to noon 12/28/2023 to ensure processing time. Any application received after 1/1/2024 will be returned if the 2024 dues amount is not included. 

FRA membership dues are as follows:

1 year for $40
2 years for $75
2 Year Centennial Special $64 for NEW members:1st year $24, 2nd year $40 Must be made in a Single payment.
5 years for $180
Life Membership is based on age. 
40 and under $600
Ages 41-50 $570
Ages 51-60 $535
Ages 61-70 $475
Ages 71-80 $380
Ages 81-90 $260
Ages 91-100 $145
100+1 day FREE

FRA Life Membership can be paid in one of two ways:
1. Payment in full at the time of submitting the Life Membership Application
2. By Credit card with an Initial payment of $50.00, followed by 11 equal monthly payments charged to a Credit card. Please note that the initial $50 payment will be counted towards paying the regular annual dues, which will entitle the member to be regular member status until full payment is received.  The Life Membership card will be sent upon completion of all payments.  All payments are non refundable. 


Please note that the Allotment Program is not accepting new participants.  For those grandfather into the Allotment Program, if  you need to update your payment please call:

Coast Guard

Navy and Marine Corps
Active Duty and Reserves

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