FRA Service Cap
All FRA members are eligible to wear the Fleet Reserve Association overseas service cap. It is considered part of our uniform of the day for official FRA meetings, military events and national holidays. Member caps are navy blue and gold. The Fleet Reserve Association insignia is on the left front side with a shipmates branch affination, name and number if desired, branch geographic location and highest office held may also be included. All text is embroidered in gold, in addition the name FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIATION is embroidered on the right, along with either MEMBER or LIFE MEMBER under the name. Pins, insignia, medallions, or other devices authorized by the Fleet Reserve Association may be warn on the hat. Authorized items are outlined the FRA bylaws and include: FRA continuous member Pin, membership Award pins, Branch Officer medallion, National Officer pins and National Officers Emeritus Medallions.
If you are a current member and interested in ordering an FRA Cap, please contact:
Keystone Uniform Cap
Division of M.H. Grossman
2251 Fraley Street
Philadelphia, PA 19137
215.821.3438 (fax)
Please use the order forms below. Users are able to fill out the PDF forms by clicking any of the highlighted fields, then key in your information. Please note that the price is subject to change by the vendor
All hats include the words “Fleet Reserve Association", "Branch Number" or "Member at Large" & FRA Emblem.
Member caps have a GOLD crown with blue sides and gold letters.
All orders are paid in advance with check or money order.
Checks payable to: Keystone Uniform Corp.
Please include your BRANCH NUMBER ________ or indicate Member at Large
FRA Bylaws
Section 1508. FRA Cap Regulations – A uniform cap for optional wear by members of the Fleet Reserve Association shall be as follows:
Section 1508(a). For General Membership: A silk-lined overseas-type cap of navy blue and gold, with crown to be of gold twill or other suitable material, the apron to be a wool navy blue melton cloth or other suitable material. The Fleet Reserve Association insignia on the left front side of the cap. Branch name and number and, if desired, branch geographical location, highest office held, embroidered in gold to appear centered approximately on the left side. In addition, the name FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIATION will be embroidered on the right side and, if desired by a life member, the words LIFE MEMBER embroidered under the name.
Section 1508(b). For National Officers and Past National Officers except National Presidents and Past National Presidents: The same as for general membership except that the crown shall be gray, and the highest office held shall be embroidered in gold on the right side.
Section 1508(c). For National Presidents and Past National Presidents: The same as for national officers except that the crown shall be scarlet.
Section 1508(d). Other than pins, insignia, medallions, or other devices authorized by the Fleet Reserve Association, no device, pin, emblem, insignia, or other decoration shall be appended, affixed or in any other manner displayed on the Fleet Reserve Association cap.
Clarification: Items authorized by the Fleet Reserve Association are those items issued by the FRA administrative headquarters.